I need my fix! Foods that contain hot chilis like jalapeno, cayenne, habanero, serrano etc. release endorphins when the 'hot' element capsaicin comes into contact with the tongue. This is because your body is tricked into thinking that you are in pain and endorphins work as a natural morphine.
This is why, believe it or not, spicy food can become mildly addicting (yes, I'm a perfect example). You can get cravings and build up a tolerance and foods that you once considered spicy may not anymore.
Are you an adict? The first step is admitting you have a problem. The second step is...well, raid your fridge for hot sauce and pour yourself a shot. Fuck! You relapsed!
No, it's not really a problem. But that's not to say I wouldn't pawn all my shit for a jar of sambal. Actually, spicy foods are good for you. But I'll save that for another blog.